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BLUE is Our Ladys colour,
White is Our Lords.
To-morrow I will wear a knot
Of blue and white cords,
That you may see it, where you ride
Among the flashing swords.
O banner, white and sunny blue,
With prayer I wove thee!
For love the white, for faith the heavenly hue,
And both for him, so tender-true,
Him that doth love me!
MOTHER of God! no lady thou:
Common woman of common earth
Our Lady ladies call thee now,
But Christ was never of gentle birth;
A common man of the common earth.
For Gods ways are not as our ways:
The noblest lady in the land
Would have given up half her days,
Would have cut off her right hand,
To bear the child that was God of the land.
Never a lady did He choose,
Only a maid of low degree,
So humble she might not refuse
The carpenter of Galilee:
A daughter of the people, she.
Out she sang the song of her heart.
Never a lady so had sung.
She knew no letters, had no art;
To all mankind, in womans tongue,
Hath Israelitish Mary sung.
And still for men to come she sings,
Nor shall her singing pass away.
He hath fillàd the hungry with good things
O listen, lords and ladies gay!
And the rich He hath sent empty away.
O LET me be in loving nice,
Dainty, fine, and oer precise,
That I may charm my charmàd dear
As tho I felt a secret fear
To lose what never can be lost,
Her faith who still delights me most!
So shall I be more than true,
Ever in my ageing new.
So dull habit shall not be
Wrongly calld Fidelity.
We were young, we were merry, we were very very
And the door stood open at our feast,
When there passd us a woman with the West in her eyes,
And a man with his back to the East.
O, still grew the hearts that were beating so fast,
The loudest voice was still.
The jest died away on our lips as they passd,
And the rays of July struck chill.
The cups of red wine turnd pale on the board,
The white bread black as soot.
The hound forgot the hand of her lord,
She fell down at his foot.
Low let me lie, where the dead dog lies,
Ere I sit me down again at a feast,
When there passes a woman with the West in her eyes,
And a man with his back to the East.
ABOUT the little chambers of my heart
Friends have been cominggoingmany a year.
The doors stand open there.
Some, lightly stepping, enter; some depart.
Freely they come and freely go, at will.
The walls give back their laughter; all day long
They fill the house with song.
One door alone is shut, one chamber still.
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