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List of Authors    
Anonymous. XIII-XIV Century
Robert Mannyng of Brunne.°1288,†1338
William Langland.°?1332,†?1400
John Barbour.°?1316,†1395
Geoffrey Chaucer.°?1340,†1400
Thomas Hoccleve.°?1368/9,†?1450
John Lydgate.°?1370,†?1450
King James I of Scotland.°1394,†1437
Robert Henryson.°1425,†1500
William Dunbar.°1465,†?1520
Anonymous. XV-XVI Century
John Skelton.°?1460,†1529
Stephen Hawes.†1523
Sir Thomas Wyatt.°1503,†1542
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey.°1516,†1547
Nicholas Grimald.°1519,†1562
Alexander Scott.°?1525,†?1584
Robert Wever. c. 1550
Richard Edwardes.°1523,†1566
George Gascoigne.°?1525,†1577
Alexander Montgomerie.°?1540,†?1610
William Stevenson.°?1530,†1575
Anonymous. XVI-XVII Century
Nicholas Breton.°1542,†1626
Sir Walter Raleigh.°1552,†1618
Edmund Spenser.°1552,†1599
John Lyly.°1553,†1606
Anthony Munday.°1553,†1633
Sir Philip Sidney.°1554,†1586
Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke.°1554,†1628
Thomas Lodge.°?1556,†1625
George Peele.°?1558,†1597
Robert Greene.°1560,†1592
George Chapman.°1560,†1634
Robert Southwell.°?1561,†1595
Henry Constable.°?1562,†?1613
Samuel Daniel.°1562,†1619
Mark Alexander Boyd.°1563,†1601
Joshua Sylvester.°1561,†1618
Michael Drayton.°1563,†1631
Christopher Marlowe.°1564,†1593
William Shakespeare.°1564,†1616
Richard Rowlands.°1565,†?1630
Thomas Nashe.°1567,†1601
Thomas Campian.°1567,†1619
John Reynolds. 16th Cent.
Sir Henry Wotton.°1568,†1639
Sir John Davies.°1569,†1626
Sir Robert Ayton.°1570,†1638
Ben Jonson.°1573,†1637
John Donne.°1573,†1631
Richard Barnefield.°1574,†1627
Thomas Dekker.°1575,†1641
Thomas Heywood.°?1575,†1650
John Fletcher.°1579,†1625
John Webster.°?1580,†?1630
William Alexander, Earl of Stirling.

Phineas Fletcher.°1580,†1650
Lord Herbert of Cherbury.°1583,†1648
Sir John Beaumont.°1583,†1627
William Drummond, of Hawthornden,

Giles Fletcher.°?1588,†1623
Francis Beaumont.°1586,†1616
John Ford.°1586,†1639
George Wither.°1588,†1667
William Browne, of Tavistock.°1588,†1643
Robert Herrick.°1591,†1674
Francis Quarles.°1592,†1644
Henry King, Bishop of Chichester.°1592,†1669
George Herbert.°1593,†1632
James Shirley.°1596,†1666
Thomas Carew.°?1595,†?1639
Jasper Mayne.°1604,†1672
William Habington.°1605,†1654
Thomas Randolph.°1605,†1635
Sir William Davenant.°1606,†1668
Edmund Waller.°1606,†1687
John Milton.°1608,†1674
Sir John Suckling.°1609,†1642
Sir Richard Fanshawe.°1608,†1666
William Cartwright.°1611,†1643
James Graham, Marquis of Montrose.

Thomas Jordan.°?1612,†1685
Richard Crashaw.°?1613,†1649
Richard Lovelace.°1618,†1658
Abraham Cowley.°1618,†1667
Alexander Brome.°1620,†1666
Andrew Marvell.°1621,†1678
Henry Vaughan.°1621,†1695
John Bunyan.°1628,†1688
Anonymous Ballads and Songs
William Strode.°1602,†1645
Thomas Stanley.°1625,†1678
Thomas D’Urfey.°1653,†1723
Charles Cotton.°1630,†1687
Katherine Philips (‘Orinda’).°1631,†1664
Thomas Traherne.°?1637,†1674
John Dryden.°1631,†1700
Charles Webbe. c. 1678
Sir George Etherege.°1635,†1691
Thomas Flatman.°1637,†1688
Charles Sackville, Earl of Dorset.°1638,†1706
Sir Charles Sedley.°1639,†1701
Aphra Behn.°1640,†1689
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester.°1647,†1680
John Sheffield, Duke of Buckinghamshire.
°1648,† 1721

Thomas Otway.°1652,†1685
John Oldham.°1653,†1683
Matthew Prior.°1664,†1721
William Walsh.°1663,†1708
Lady Grisel Baillie.°1665,†1746
William Congreve.°1670,†1729
Joseph Addison.°1672,†1719
Isaac Watts.°1674,†1748
Thomas Parnell.°1679,†1718
Allan Ramsay.°1686,†1758
William Oldys.°1687,†1761
John Gay.°1685,†1732
Alexander Pope.°1688,†1744
Henry Carey.°?1693,†1743
William Broome.°1689,†1745
James Thomson.°1700,†1748
Charles Wesley.°1707,†1788
Samuel Johnson.°1709,†1784
Richard Jago.°1715,†1781
William Shenstone.°1714,†1763
Thomas Gray.°1716,†1771
William Collins.°1721,†1759
Mark Akenside.°1721,†1770
Thomas Osbert Mordaunt.°1730,†1809
John Scott of Amwell.°1730,†1783
Tobias George Smollett.°1721,†1771
Christopher Smart.°1722,†1770
Jane Elliot.°1727,†1805
Oliver Goldsmith.°1728,†1774.
Robert Cunninghame-Graham of Gartmore.

William Cowper.°1731,†1800
James Beattie.°1735,†1803
Isobel Pagan.°1740,†1821
Anna Lætitia Barbauld.°1743,†1825
Fanny Greville. 18th century
Michael Bruce.°1740,†1767
Lady Anne Lindsay.°1750,†1825
Sir William Jones.°1746,†1794
Thomas Chatterton.°1752,†1770
George Crabbe.°1754,†1832
William Blake.°1757,†1827
Robert Burns.°1759,†1796
Henry Rowe.°1754,†1819
William Lisle Bowles.°1762,†1850
Joanna Baillie.°1762,†1851
Mary Lamb.°1765,†1847
Carolina, Lady Nairne.°1766,†1845
James Hogg.°1770,†1835
William Wordsworth.°1770,†1850
Sir Walter Scott.°1771,†1832
Samuel Taylor Coleridge.°1772,†1834
Robert Southey.°1774,†1843
Walter Savage Landor.°1775,†1864
Joseph Blanco White.°1775,†1841
Samuel Rogers.°1763,†1855
Charles Lamb.°1775,†1834
Thomas Campbell.°1774,†1844
Thomas Moore.°1779,†1852
Edward Thurlow, Lord Thurlow.°1781,†1829
Ebenezer Elliott.°1781,†1849
Allan Cunningham.°1784,†1842
Leigh Hunt.°1784,†1859
John Kenyon.°1784,†1856
Thomas Love Peacock.°1785,†1866
Bryan Waller Procter.°1787,†1874
George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron.°1788,†1824
Sir Aubrey de Vere.°1788,†1846
Charles Wolfe.°1791,†1823
Percy Bysshe Shelley.°1792,†1822
John Keble.°1792,†1866
John Clare.°1793,†1864
Felicia Dorothea Hemans.°1793,†1835
John Gibson Lockhart.°1794,†1854
John Keats.°1795,†1821
William Cullen Bryant.°1794,†1878
Jeremiah Joseph Callanan.°1795,†1829
William Sidney Walker.°1795,†1846
George Darley.°1795,†1846
Hartley Coleridge.°1796,†1849
Thomas Hood.°1798,†1845
William Thom.°1798,†1848
Sir Henry Taylor.°1800,†1886
Thomas Babington, Lord Macaulay,°1800,†1859
William Barnes.°1801,†1886
Winthrop Mackworth Praed.°1802,†1839
Gerald Griffin.°1803,†1840
James Clarence Mangan.°1803,†1849
Thomas Lovell Beddoes.°1803,†1849
Ralph Waldo Emerson.°1803,†1882
Richard Henry Horne.°1803,†1884
Charles Whitehead.°1804,†1862
Robert Stephen Hawker.°1804,†1875
Francis Mahony.°1805,†1866
Elizabeth Barrett Browning.°1806,†1861
Frederick Tennyson.°1807,†1898
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.°1807,†1882
John Greenleaf Whittier.°1807,†1892
Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton.°1808,†1876
Charles Tennyson Turner.°1808,†1879
Edgar Allan Poe.°1809,†1849
Edward Fitzgerald.°1809,†1883
Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton.

Alfred Tennyson, Lord Tennyson.°1809,†1892
Sir Samuel Ferguson.°1810,†1886
Sir Francis Hastings Doyle.°1810,†1888
William Makepeace Thackeray.°1811,†1863
Robert Browning.°1812,†1889
William Bell Scott.°1812,†1890
George Fox.°1815
Emily Brontëe.°1818,†1848
Charles Kingsley.°1819,†1875
Arthur Hugh Clough.°1819,†1861
Walt Whitman.°1819,†1892
John Ruskin.°1819,†1900
Ebenezer Jones.°1820,†1860
Matthew Arnold.°1822,†1888
William Brighty Rands.°1823,†1880
William Philpot.°1823,†1889
William (Johnson) Cory.°1823,†1892
Coventry Patmore.°1823,†1896
Sydney Dobell.°1824,†1874
William Allingham.°1824,†1889
Dante Gabriel Rossetti.°1828,†1882
Emily Dickinson.°1830,†1886
Christina Georgina Rossetti.°1830,†1894
Jean Ingelow.°1820,†1897
Thomas Edward Brown.°1830,†1897
Richard Watson Dixon.°1833,†1900
George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier °1834,†1896
William Morris.°1834,†1896
John Leicester Warren, Lord de Tabley.

Henry Clarence Kendall.°1841,†1882.
Arthur William Edgar O’Shaughnessy.

Gerard Manley Hopkins.°1844,†1889.
John Boyle O’Reilly.°1844,†1890
Robert Louis Stevenson.°1850,†1894
Margaret L. Woods.°1856
Agnes Mary Frances Duclaux.°1857
Ernest Rhys.°1859
Douglas Hyde.°1861
May Probyn
Eden Phillpotts.°1862
Norman Gale.°1862
Frances Bannerman
Richard Le Gallienne.°1866
Ernest Dowson.°1867,†1900
Lord Alfred Douglas.°1870
Thomas Sturge Moore.°1870
Hilaire Belloc.°1870
William Henry Davies.°1871
Ralph Hodgson.°1872
Walter De La Mare.°1873
Gordon Bottomley.°1874
John Alexander Chapman.°1875
John Masefield.°1878
Oliver St. John Gogarty.°1878
Wilfrid Thorley.°1878
Alfred Noyes.°1880
Herbert Edward Palmer.°1880
Padraic Colum.°1881
James Joyce.°1882
James Stephens.°1882
Siegfried Sassoon.°1886
Edmund Blunden°1896
Richard Doddridge Blackmore.°1825,†1900

Preface Index Of First Lines

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